The Pacific Northwest chapter started in July 2020 when a member from Portland attended an on-boarding session. Since both Oregon and Washington are Blue states, the chapter formed to leverage the passion of South Asians living in the Pacific Northwest in order to 'adopt' a race in another state that is not Blue.
Frequently Asked Questions:
1. ​How do we know which voters to contact in the activities above?
The Core team members will be providing lists of potential voters to contact. These voters tend to be either Democratic voters or unregistered voters. We also provide training and guidance for each of those activities as well as required materials.
2.​ I do not want my personal details out there when I am volunteering. Is that possible?
Yes. Volunteers usually use their first names and a mailbox address when postcarding. We take precautions to make sure our volunteers' concerns are addressed
3. How about COVID-19 safety?
All of the activities we listed above can be done from the safety of your home.
4. How much time commitment is it?
It can be as much as you feel compelled to spend.
About Us
Our main goals are to help flip races to Blue and recruit more volunteers in the PNW region so we can also potentially focus on local races.​
How you can participate as a member:
Core Team Member: We have a few spots open for a core team membership. These volunteers participate in strategy discussions and lead and provide guidance to various planned activities of the General Team Members. Activities include coordinating with the parent They See Blue® organization, the campaign of the candidates we chose to support, etc.
General Team Members: Help execute on the planned and guided activities from the Core Team members. These include:
Phone Banking - Calling the potential voters with a message
Text Banking - Texting the potential voters with a messag
Post Carding - Handwritten letters to the potential voters with a message
Participating/enabling fund raisers
Work with candidate’s campaign to help where it is needed
Donate to They See Blue