About Us
We will utilize every tool we can to activate voters and get them to the polls. We intend to work with the Texas Democratic Party, our sister chapters in Austin and Houston and our networks to achieve these goals.
Phone banking, which can be easily done from home during free time.
Text banking, which is similar to phone banking and can be done from home or anywhere.
Block walking, which means going door to door (based off of a list of registered Democrats) and talking to individual voters or leaving information about candidates.
Meet & Greet / Virtual Meet & Greet, which are organized events to meet specific candidates.
Voter Registration By Mail (VRBM) which helps voters get registered via mail.
Vote by mail, which the state allows.
Encourage early voting to prevent delays on Election Day.
If you can spare a few minutes per day or a few hours per week, we need your help to turn Texas Blue. Please join us.
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